What’s It Like To Have a TikTok Strategy Created by a Professional?
tiktok content and influencer marketing
We recently worked with the brilliant OG YouTuber Hannah Witton, coaching her through the adaption of her long-form content expertise to suit TikTok, and creating a strategy that would suit her 24/25 business objectives.

We recently worked with the brilliant OG YouTuber Hannah Witton, coaching her through the adaption of her long-form content expertise to suit TikTok, and creating a strategy that would suit her 24/25 business objectives.

Aside from having a ball, as we were working together Hannah created a week-by-week video diary of our whole process.

We saw amazing results together (follower uplift of 24.5%, and an average per-video growth of 98.6%, you can see our ‘Hannah Unwrapped’ presentation in the last portion of the video), but most importantly it’s been so wonderful to see a creator’s experiences of learning and building on TikTok from the other side of the fence.

I wanted to share this because Hannah shows all her vulnerability and frustrations in the video – she’s been a content creator for ~14 years and it was SO tricky for her to switch from long-form to short-form content. So when you struggle to get traction, or can’t figure out a particular style of content, know that it’s not just you – even the pros have a hard time sometimes!

You can watch Hannah’s full video here (it’s an hour and a half 😮 but split out week-by-week).



Gratified: tiktok content and influencer marketing



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