How To Get Out Of TikTok’s 200 View Jail
200 view jail
The biggest complaint we see from creators and brands trying to organically grow on TikTok is how impossible it is to get out of '200 view jail'.

To understand ‘200 view jail’, you have to understand the algorithm: because the TikTok 200 view jail doesn’t exist (sorry!). Put simply, people just aren’t watching your content.

This means it’s either not designed or structured well enough for the algorithm, or it just isn’t good.

We know the algorithm can be split into two parts:

  • User Psychology and Behaviour: Think short attention spans, the need for entertainment, and the constant search for quick dopamine hits.
  • TikTok’s Commercial Priorities: Which flex and change (so keep an eye on platform updates!) – at the moment they’re pushing autumn content and value-packed videos, and you’ll remember earlier in the year it was all about storytelling.

How To Play The Algorithm

From hours of research and data analysis this is what we know about it:

1. You have an overall TikTok account score (based on followers, views, engagement & history). Based on this score, TikTok will show your videos to a larger or smaller initial audience (for smaller accounts this is normally around 200 views, hence the perception of the jail).

2. The algorithm auto-screens your content (language, location, SEO properties, sounds used, any templates) and adds this to info it has about content you save and interact with, and along with your account score and history it categorises it.

4. The algorithm starts by showing your content to an initial audience of 200 people within your category. If the content is well received, it gradually expands to reach more groups of 200 related viewers.

5. Low view times or lack of engagement at this point will stall the content’s progress. This is why grabbing attention in those precious first seconds is so important.

6. Rinse and repeat: your content will only stop getting views when the algorithm fails in finding more people who are engaging with and viewing your content.

7. As TikTok moves into a more sophisticated search model of discovery, if your content’s SEO (hashtags, caption, subtitles, text on screen) is thorough, you’ll see views pick up as search terms drift in and out of popularity.

That’s how it’s done.

Top Tips To Avoid 200 View Jail

  • Lead With Value: Ensure everything you post on TikTok has at least one clear point of value to take away. This usually will fall into the category of being controversial, educational, or emotional – and also sometimes entertaining.
  • Make This Value Clear Upfront: Sell the result of your content, not the process. Use your voice hook and written title to make sure the it’s clear what’s within.
  • Center Your Audience: Wherever possible use the pronoun ‘YOU’ before ‘I’. This is so your audience knows the content is about them – not you, the creator.
  • Use An Arresting Visual Hook: Try to bring in confusing or interesting visuals in those first few frames. By the time your viewer has worked out what’s going on we want them to be well into the meat of your video.
  • Post On Topical Subjects: Create content around the things we know TikTok is pushing, or on topics that are relevant and timely.
  • Optimise For Sharing: A multitude of shares signals to the algorithm that a video is value-packed. Optimise your content to encourage shares whenever possible.


Need help with your TikTok 200 view jail time? We have a wealth of services to help – click here if you’re a creator, and here if you’re a brand.



Gratified: tiktok content and influencer marketing



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